Our vision
Ascension Church is a Church in the Community, for the Community in the 21st Century.
As a parish Church we are committed to developing effective ways of communicating the gospel of Jesus to those in our community. We are working alongside individuals and groups to see God’s Kingdom grow in Custom House, seeking to live as witnesses to Jesus in all we do.
Ascension seeks to:
- Be rooted in the Bible in our teaching and encourage engagement with scripture in order to understand more fully God's will for our lives.
- Be a resource for the mission, ministry, prayer and worship of the parish.
- Serve, in the most appropriate manner, the spiritual, social and practical needs of those in the area.
- Be a facility, which is available for locally based initiatives, organized either within the church, community or in partnership, to address local issues and needs, being a place of reconciliation and healing.
With God’s help to be; “A tree planted by rivers of water, spreading its branches over the community. So that whatever we do does not wither but prospers.” (Ps 1 v 3)